Cats Queensland Inc. is a family-oriented council with friendly shows and pleasant social occasions that all exhibitors are welcome to attend. We have consistently offered a wide variety of judges to our exhibitors, including judges from around the world, New Zealand and all Australian States. We will continue to feature overseas and interstate judges at our future shows whenever possible.
Cats Queensland Inc. accepts challenges from all recognised CCC of A , ACF and Ancats councils for higher status. Any information about gaining titles for your cats can be obtained by contacting our Registrar.
We hold our shows at the Souths Sports Club, 174 Mortimer Rd, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 . Our shows are very well attended by exhibitors from all registries which promotes strong competition.
Cats Queensland Inc. holds a general meeting in March (AGM) each year and we encourage all members to attend so that they stay up to date and involved in council matters. The CQ management committee comprises up to 11 members. These members meet monthly and manage the day-to-day operations of the council. Members are invited to suggest topics for discussion at any monthly meeting of CQI. Please send your topics to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to each meeting. Meetings are generally held on the first weekend of each month.
Members of Cats Queensland Inc. have access to computerized registration and pedigree services. Cats Queensland Inc. is affiliated with the CCC of A [Coordinating Cat Council of Australia]. Members of the Management Committee attend 2 meetings per year and work with other affiliates Australia wide to promote the cat fancy, develop or revise breed standards and so much more.
The inclusion of Breeders in our Breeders listing does not indicate endorsement or recommendation by Cats Queensland Inc, however, all of the Breeders listed are registered with Cats Queensland Inc and they agree to follow our Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations
Before purchasing a kitten, please read the Buying a Kitten section as this will give you an excellent guide for your selection.
From time-to-time breeders and other parties refer to Cats Queensland Inc about matters in which it is not appropriate for us to become involved. Disputes between owners and breeders of cats are private matters, these can be determined by the contractual arrangements between the two parties. Financial matters are strictly between breeders and owners, not Cats Queensland Inc.
We recommend parties who cannot resolve matters personally, contact the Office of Fair Trading for the appropriate advice. Cats Queensland Inc can only consider and advise on matters that clearly fall within its Breeders Code of Ethics.